IFFO Responds to Report that Antibiotic Resistant Genes Found in Fishmeal
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [Seafoodnews] Sept 6, 2017
The IFFO (International fishmeal and Oil Association) has responded to a recent scientific paper that discussed finding antibiotic resistant genes in fishmeal.
George Harris, a spokesperson for IFFO said, “We are aware of the recent publication of a scientific paper[1]indicating there is a potential for fishmeal used in aquaculture feed to be a vector for antibiotic resistant genes. This is a first study in the subject, and as such, we must exercise caution in how the results are interpreted without further confirmation of the findings. The work is also notable as having been undertaken on a very limited sample number (5 fishmeal products; 2 terrestrial animal products), and as such is not an extensive...
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