Stunning Preliminary Report Shows Gulf of Alaska Cod Stocks Down By More Than Half
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [Seafood News] by Peggy Parker - October 4, 2017
This story has been updated for accuracy and recent developments.

A presentation by NOAA Fisheries shocked committee members at the North Pacific Council meeting with the message that preliminary numbers from the latest survey show the lowest estimate ever of Pacific cod in the Gulf of Alaska.
The presentation showed that cod year classes for 2012 and 2013 were essentially wiped out, and failed to show up in the survey. The disappearance of these year classes coincided with the extended period of high water temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska in 2014-15. This was the time the 'blob' was off the Pacific coast. As a result, Pacific cod TACs are likely to be significantly less for 2018...
Pacific cod, along with rockfish, is the money fish in the Gulf of Alaska. A large cut in cod TACs to prevent overfishing will have a large impact in the Gulf....
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